Q'ithelyn Lamyr


Merchant, Smuggler, Gambler, Troublemaker

After leaving the Puk tribe, Q’ithelyn set out for Ul’dah with ambitions of becoming one of the wealthiest and most well-traveled merchants on the star. Although not everything has gone quite to plan, she is has managed to carve a niche for herself peddling goods across Eorzea. She is an aspiring young trader with a habit of getting in way over her head.


Name: Q’ithelyn Lamyr
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Miqo'te
Ethnicity: Seeker of the Sun
Heritage: Puk (Q) Tribe
Hair Color: Black with Blonde Highlights
Eye Color: Golden
Build: Petite
Height: 5’1"
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Professions: Merchant Caravan Leader, Occasional Smuggler, Healer
Current Residence: A modest home in La Noscea's Mist District.

At a Glance

  • Is an ex-tribal Miqo’te of the Puk tribe.

  • Runs a small trading company out of Ishgard.

  • Leads a caravan of merchants across Eorzea.

  • Can usually be found gambling or loitering in the Quicksand when she isn’t working.

  • Is insatiably curious about the lives of adventurers.

  • Has an upbeat, outgoing personality. Loves to chat with strangers.

  • Is an impulsive decision maker. Approaches problems with an act first, ask questions later attitude.

  • Is frequently in trouble due to reckless business decisions and harebrained moneymaking schemes.

  • Is a skilled healer, but is not proficient in other combat roles.


Q'ithelyn was born out of wedlock to Q'ishira Araash, a talented healer and daughter of the Puk tribe. Her father, L'lamyr Tia, was a drifter from another tribe who passed through the Q village from time to time. Q'ithelyn's birth was a vexxing conundrum for the Puk tribe. Under normal circumstances, Q'ishira and her daughter would have been exiled for breaking the custom of only having children by the tribe's Nunh. However, Q'ishira's talents as a healer made her too valuable to banish. As a sort of compromise they were allowed to remain with the tribe, but were made to live on the margins of Q village, where they were both physically and socially isolated from the rest of the Puk.
Early Days
For as long as she could remember, Q’ithelyn always dreamed of exploring the wider world.
Despite the ignonimity of her birth, Q'ithelyn was born into a position of privilege and comfort amongst her people. As the child of the tribe's resident healer, she was given a formal education, which included thorough training in the healing art. While most children of the Puk tribe grew up learning how to fight and hunt, Q’ithelyn’s days were spent helping her mother treat wounds and manage the village’s medical supplies. By night, her nose was buried in triage manuals, alchemical textbooks, and grimoires of healing magic.Through it all though, Q'ithelyn's thoughts would always wander. Possibly taking more after her father than her mother, the young Seeker daydreamed constantly of leaving the Puk tribe behind. Of chasing down the horizon onto new and exciting lands. This would become a continuous source of tension between Q'ithelyn and her mother, who wished for her daughter to follow in her footsteps as the tribe's healer. Perhaps because she wished to atone for her own transgression, or perhaps because she understood the fragility of their position in the tribe, Q'ishira was always severe with Q'ithelyn on this point.From time to time, Q'ishira would send her daughter out to apprentice under chirurgeons, alchemists and healing magic users in the settlements of other races. These experiences were invaluable in broading Q'ithelyn's repertoire of healing skills. However as she grew older, they also stoked her desire to see the world beyond her village. In particular, the lives of the wandering adventurers and merchant caravanners held a special place in her imagination.Setting Out on Her Own
When she finally came of age, her growing desire to explore the world ultimately culminated in the decision to strike out on her own, and becoming a traveling merchant. A decision which strained her relationship with Q'ishira past its' breaking point.
Brimming with confidence and thinking the world was hers to conquer, Q’ithelyn set out for U’ldah. However, she quickly learned that outmaneuvering Syndicate-aligned merchants in Eorzea’s wealthiest city was far more difficult than haggling with the wandering peddlers who passed through her village. A series of risky business ventures left her nearly destitute, and with a mountain of debt. Thoroughly humbled, Q’ithelyn spent the better part of two years rebuilding her business, and has only recently come into real success as a merchant.Current Day
Today, Q'ithelyn is the chief of the Lamyr Trading Company, a small merchant outfit that operates its' own caravan out of Eorzea. She deals primarily in spices, wines, textiles, and a little bit of alchemical supply. When Q'ithelyn is particularly hard-up for gil, she will also accept the occasional smuggling job or join adventuring parties as a healer-for-hire. Perhaps wishing to reconnect with her roots as a healer, she has also recently begun studying as an Astrologian in between her caravan's trips across the Star.

RP Hooks

Traveling Merchant: Are you looking to buy or sell something valuable? Do you need an accomplice for some high-risk ploy to make a bunch of gil very quickly? Are you perhaps searching for the services of a small-time smuggler? If so, Q’ithelyn may be interested!Astrologian: Recently, Q'ithelyn has taken a renewed interest in pursuing her past calling as a healer. As part of her efforts to advance her craft, she has begun studying Sharlayan Astrology at Ishgard's Atheneum Arcaneum. Do you require the services of a healer? Are you interested in talking shop about healing magic?Mischief Maker: Q’ithelyn’s first forays into the merchant lifestyle left her with a long list of enemies. Additionally, her smuggling side-gigs also sometimes put her at odds with the law. She occasionally finds herself dodging loansharks, hired muscle, bounty hunters, and shady rival merchants. Is your character involved with the underworld? If so, you might have some business with her.Gambler: Q’ithelyn has a deep love of gambling. Are you looking for someone to play cards or dice with? Did you catch her counting cards? Have you maybe seen her hanging around the Golden Saucer?Barfly: Hanging around inns and pestering travelers for interesting stories is one of her other favorite pastimes. If you have any tales of grand adventure in faraway places, she’d love to hear them.Mist Resident: While Q'ithelyn spends much of her life out on the road, she has recently moved her permanent home to the Mist District in La Noscea. Do you also live somewere in Mist or Limsa Lominsa? Are you a member of a free company located out of La Noscea? If so, Q'ithelyn is always happy to make a connection with her new neighbors.Affable and Good-natured: Even if you don’t have some specific reason to talk to her, Q’ithelyn is always happy to chat up strangers and make new friends.

OOC Info

Please feel free to message me!
If I have my RP tag on, I’m fine with both IC and OOC approaches. Whatever works best for you! I’m pretty friendly, and am happy to roleplay with inexperienced roleplayers! Apologies in advance if I happen to be AFK, I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Yes, I’m a degenerate ERPer. No, I’m not sorry. Writing smut is fun sometimes. I usually prefer ERP to be part of an ongoing story between our characters, but I may also be interested in doing a random scene if the mood strikes me. Info about my Extreme Raid Progression preferences /c/an be found elsewhere. 21 and older only please.
I like to keep a strong boundary between IC and OOC relationships. I’m always happy to make a new friend OOC, but lets make sure to be respectful of each other's personal boundaries. Also, please don’t take it personally if our characters don’t get along IC! That doesn’t mean I have a problem with you personally. Roleplay is only fun as long as everyone stays chill!
Carrd is WIP
This character's Carrd is eternally a WIP. If you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love to hear them.


Coming soon!